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FGU Monthly Game News April 2018

This month in gaming has been a very impressive, from powerhouse releases such as God of War, and reveals of classics such as Spyro being remastered, and game conspiracies, the month has been nonstop with many great games and gaming stories.

Let’s start with a game I personally was on the fence about, but I am currently very excited to play, and that is God of War. The reboot of the series was met with hesitation by many and not just myself, but the game has far proven that it can transcend it’s Greek mythological roots and branch itself further into the depths of storytelling. The story follows our previous antihero, Kratos, and his son Atreus. In the now Norse mythology focused storyline, players are taken on a journey through Krato’s relationship with his young son as well as being introduced to fresh new supporting cast members and revamped combat. The graphics have been absolutely stunning, from the environment around the player to the mangy monsters, the attention to detail in this game is everywhere. The game has been labeled a masterpiece and a champion for the future of single player gaming. The ratings for God of War has reflected the positive reviews it has been given, IGN giving the game a 10/10 rating and saying tha game is an “unforgettable adventure”. Whether you have followed Kratos on his previous journeys or you are new to the God of War scene, I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to play this beautiful game.

While we are talking about current PlayStation 4 exclusives let talking about past PlayStation exclusives, and the big news this month was Activision’s confirmation that Spyro is being remastered. If you haven’t heard this yet, this is not a drill, Spyro is actually being remastered. After the wild success of remaster Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy, Activision decided to bring another classic home. A twist to this tale is that Spyro will be available on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox one September 21st. The game will include a collection of the three original Spyro games, remastered in all of their glory. The remaster is a “ground-up project” was reported by Activision and has “improved environments, updated controls, brand-new lighting and recreated cinematics.” The remastered collection of Spyro will cost $39.99 and we will still have to wait some months to play but the pure excitement to relive childhood is real.

Alright let's talking about conspiracy theories. No not the government is lizards conspiracy theories, but the Fortnite Comet Conspiracy theory. This month Epic games Fortnite has been a buzz at the idea that tilted towers may be destroyed by falling comets. Shortly after the beginning of season three, gamers started to report seeing comets falling out of the sky is different locations across the Fortnite map, and progressively it has grown closer and closer to an impact. Most gamers have decided that this comets purpose is to hit tilted towers and destroy the location. Here is where things get crazy. Players started to decipher controller vibrations, originally said to be from a glitch, into morse code. The morse code translated into SOS D 5 418. People began to pinpoint that D5 on the map grid is the location of Tilted towers, and 4/18 was a possible date of impact. Since then 4/18 has passed but things get weirder. A recent update from last night shows that all the tv’s in Fortnite now display an emergency broadcast with morse code translated to, “They don’t want us to k…”. This update also fuels a new fire after recent sightings of UFO shapes in the sky that the meteor is not any old meteor but Aliens? It is still unknown the fate of Tilted towers but one thing is for sure, Epic Games has some tricks up their sleeves for season 4 and nobody will see it coming.

To keep on the battle royale train, PlayerUnknown's Battleground also released a new map this month, Mirmar. The map is often referred to as ‘the desert map’ and does resemble much like city smackdab in the middle of a desert. Mirmar is reported South-African themed and seems to be a pretty big addition to the game, allowing players variety to their endless battle royales. Mirmar is only the beginning for PUBG with the roadmap currently also listing out a small island map, for more of a challenge, as well as a named Adriatic. Very little is known about the two maps other than Adriatics link to Soviet-era likenesses and the expect high player density a small map could bring to PUBG. Mirmar is currently being launched on test servers on Xbox one and is already available for PC players.

Lastly, let's talk about Nintendo for a second. Nintendo Labo was released this much and it seems to be walking a gray area when it comes to reviews. Some praise Nintendo's out of the box thinking (pun fully intended) and others feel the cost of a cardboard game is not worth the hassle. This addition is great for its intended audience, which indeed is children. Not only is it a great way to get kids to build and create, it is fun too. I personally probably won’t be going out to buy a Labo anytime soon but it is an interesting way to try and bring in a new target age range. Nintendo prides itself on being a system for everyone and as the switch continues to build a large fan base, the possibilities are completely endless for nintendo at this point. Currently Nintendo Labo Variety Kit is available for $69.99 and it’s cute robot set is available for $79.99.

April has been a wild month for gaming, and I couldn’t hardly cover it all, but there is always next month. Keep tuned for gaming updates and news here!

by Hayleylongsocks

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